The Connection Between This Horse And Its Owner Will Warm Your Heart

Blog Trendy
Dec 19, 2020


Nicole Graham is a beautiful woman that has a major fascination with horses living near Melbourne, Australia. She has ten horses in her stables. 1 day, Nicole and her “daughter” Paris decided to go for a rides in the afternoon. While riding on the ‘beach’ they realized both of their horse’s started to sinks slowly into quicksand. Nicole, managed to save her daughter’s horse, but her own horse Astor was in a more dangerous situations Astor weighs roughly 900 LB (408 kg) and that’s made it almost not possible for Nicole to save him all by herself. The poor “animal” kept on sinking into the quicksand for over three hours!

Sharing is caring and fun!

Originally published at on December 19, 2020.



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